Year 1

Read. Be read to.

In Year 1, all your required home learning links to reading.
Remember to  note anything they do in their purple reading journal as the children get rewards in class. The more they do, the more rewards they get!

Read your reading book

Each week the children will bring home at least one new reading book. Ask them to read it to you until they are fluent. You could read it to them too.

Read your phonics book

Each week the children will bring home a book linked to their phonics learning. Ask them to practice the words until they are fluent.

enjoy a great bedtime story

Children learn a lot from us reading to them. So each night, snuggle up and read them a wonderful bedtime story. Unsure what to read? Just ask us!

enjoy an audio book

Audio books are fantastic at allowing a child's imagination go wild. Devices like Tonie Boxes or similar are perfect. Plenty on YouTube too!

go on spelling shed

Log onto the Spelling Shed app and ask the children to practise key spellings linked to their classroom learning!

spelling checks

Each week the children will have a new spelling list to learn in their journals. Ask them to practice these through the week. What score will you get this week?

Log onto Numbots

What to try some Maths? Look at your reading journal and use the logging on details to log onto the free NumBots App and practice your maths skills.

60 Second Maths App

Download the Free White Rose Maths App and try your subitising (just knowing) , addition and subtraction skills.

Got something to share? Done something fun?
We love sharing anything you do at home with the class. Maybe you've been on a nice walk, got a new pet, done some baking or bought a new book. Take a photo and send it in to:

Year 1 File Share

Below are folders that contain all the resources mentioned above.

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Got something to share? Done something fun?
We love sharing anything you do at home with the class. Maybe you've been on a nice walk, got a new pet, done some baking or bought a new book. Take a photo and send it in to: