Welcome to our Year 3 VSchool page

Woolly mammoths.

Please send all your empty 2 or 4 pint milk cartons into school. It will be useful to have the lids too. We are hoping to reuse them to make woolly mammoths. 

Start of the day - The school gates will open at 8:35am and close at 8:45am.

End of the day - The school gates will open at 3:15pm and close at 3:25pm.

Year 3 Stone Age assembly Friday 24th January!

Your child can come to school wearing their costume or clothes.  They will wear the clothes all day so they must bring a coat as usual. Please come to hear all about their learning. The assembly will take place on Friday 24th January at 2:30pm. Enter the gate on Hazeldene Ave at 2:15pm. The gate will be shut at 2:30pm prompt so we can begin on time. 


A reminder that the children do not get free fruit in KS2 but they can bring their own fruit for break time. Many children ask us for 'spare' toast at break time. Unfortunately we don't have spare toast as the kitchen makes just the right amount for the children on our lists. Please ask your child if they would like to have toast each day and add their name to the list. You can pay online. Please do not send any other snacks.

P.E. is every Thursday afternoon.

P.E. is each Thursday morning. A reminder that PE kit is a white T-shirt; red jumper/ hoodie; red shorts, black leggings or sports pants; and trainers or pumps. Please wear P.E. kit to school on Thursday. 

3B staff

Class teacher - Mrs Boyle

Class teaching assistants - Mrs Ali and Mrs Quraishi

3L staff

Class teacher - Mr Langan

Class teaching assistant - Miss Bibby

A reminder that children should bring a water bottle into school every day and this should be washed and refilled at home. Please provide a bottle with a sports cap and not a screw top. If your child has packed lunch, they need an extra drink please. They can bring juice for lunch time. No fizzy drinks please. 

Please bring a coat every day as the weather changes rapidly in Haslingden. For warmer weather, the children can bring sunglasses and sunhats. They can put sun cream on before school. 

Welcome to your Year 3 Virtual Classroom

Check this page and emails from the Year Three account regularly for updates and notices about exciting opportunities that we plan for your children! Make sure school always has your most up-to-date email address and mobile number so that you don't miss any important information. Although we are helping your child to develop independence now they are in Year 3, please remember to ask them if they have any letters from school and check their bag. We also like to celebrate what your children do in school so visit the Gallery at the bottom of this page to see the photos we post. 

This is where you will find updates about our classes.
Please contact us via: yearthree@haslingden-pri.lancs.sch.uk  

Staff from Year 3 will check this email at least once a week and reply where needed

Remember: if your message is urgent, contact the school office. 

This week's spellings

Week beginning - 20.01.25 

Non-negotiable spellings.

We will recap all spellings from Year 1 and work our way up. Your child should already be able to spell these words! These words will change every week so remember to check Vschool regularly.

1.hours            6.hundreds                      

2. minutes        7. tens

3. seconds        8. ones

4. half              9.  money   

5. quarter      10. pound 

                      11. pence                         

home learning tasks 

We will expect your child to complete learning tasks at home to support their learning in school. 

These will include online resources and they will receive their logins during the first week back. Our main focus will be:-

Your child will be given Home learning every Friday. We will be sending a weekly reading comprehension and a Maths sheet home to be completed for the following Friday. This will be linked to the learning for the week and your child should be able to show you what they have been learning. The final week of each half term will be an opportunity to complete work in a different subject. 

Hear your child read every day and sign their Home/School diary for a Dojo point. 

They must aim to change their book at least once a week.

We have added some book review sheets in the file share section below - if they have really enjoyed a book they can complete a book review to recommend it to their friends. These can be brought in to school to share with the class. 

Help your child to learn their spellings. These will be in their Home/ school diary each week. They will also have a non-negotiable list of spellings on this Vschool page.

Thank you in advance for your support. Together we will work to enable your child to be the best learner they can be.

Online games/apps

All children will have their passwords stuck into their reading records for the online games platforms that we use in school. 

This half term this will be:- Spelling Shed, Numbots, TT rockstars, Numbergym, Infinity Maths and Science Bug

Some children will practise using these games in school and need to practise at least 3 times a week at home. This is so important for building fluency in their spelling and number skills. We will be checking who has played on these games and dojos and certificates given for participation.

Click on the pictures below to log on to the online games. 

Daily tasks

additional tasks for English 

You can access free Ebooks from Oxford owl


There are some super books to choose from and you can read them yourself or listen to them as well. 

Click on My class login.

3B    username:hps3b     password:book

3L    username:hps3s      password:book

Weekly spellings practice 

We will be adding our weekly spellings to Spelling Shed - please log on every day and practise writing the spellings at home too. Spelling tests will be every Friday. 

Spelling Shed log in page -click here 

Weekly spellings - Login to Spelling Shed and challenge yourself to learn some of the lists. See how many times you can change your avatar with the points you score!

Extra points may be awarded by your teachers - so keep an eye on your points and awards. 

additional tasks for Maths

Year 3 File Share

Below you can see the folders where we share the materials you will need for your learning. 

 Just open the folder and click the file you need to open & save.

Year 3 learning in school.

Tap to Contact

If you have any questions, please email us on the email address below 
