Welcome Year 4
With Miss Dowling and Mrs Leach
Y4 important Notices
4L - Swimming (please come to school in PE kit with swimming kit in a labelled bag)
4D - PE (please come to school in PE kit - white t-shirt, red shorts or black legging/tracksuit bottoms, red school hoody or plain red jumper, sports appropriate trainers or black pumps)
School Uniform
Black shoes
Grey or tartan skirts
Grey trousers or shorts
Purple polo t-shirt
Red jumper, cardigan or fleece.
Long hair tied back
No jewellery to be worn for school
home Learning
weekly tasks (Compulsory)
Each week, we would like the children to complete:
reading with an adult and collecting a signature in the reading record
completing a session on TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/
playing a game on Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/
spelling practice (Spelling test will be each Friday)
children will earn a dojo for each task they complete
*Your child has log-ins for TTRockstars and Spelling Shed in their reading record
home learning
Every Friday, your child will come home with one piece of English and Maths to be completed at home and returned the following Friday