Year 5
With Mr Newton and Mrs Robinson
Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Please send any questions or information for your teacher to
Important dates
Thursday 5th September: Return to school
Year 5 PE every thursday
Please come to school wearing the correct school PE kit: white t-shirt, red jumper or hoodie, red shorts OR black leggings/ joggers, suitable trainers for exercise. You will still need a coat and a water bottle and should bring your Reading Record as usual on PE days.
6th January school closure
In Science this term we will be investigating properties of materials. As school is closed due to snow, please try this scientific investigation:
Build 2 identical snowmen. Wrap one snowman in warm clothing, such as a blanket or an old coat. Which snowman do you think will melt first? Can you explain why? What is your independent variable? What is your dependent variable? Which variables do you need to control to keep the test fair?
Home Learning
Daily tasks (Compulsory)
read to yourself for at least 20 minutes every day (have a parent/ carer sign your Reading Record at least once a week)
play a game on TT Rockstars at least 3 times a week
play a game on Spelling Shed at least 3 times a week (Spelling tests will be every Friday)
You should create a strong daily routine where you set aside time EVERY DAY at home to practise what you have been learning in school. We will be checking these regularly and will work with you to solve any problems preventing you from doing these simple tasks.
Weekly (Compulsory during term time)
Please log into My-Maths and complete this week's homework (OR complete the worksheet in your Home Learning book)
Complete your Reading Comprehension in your Home Learning Book
Home Learning books should be returned by Friday each week for marking
Extra Credit (Voluntary)
We would love to see any projects you complete independently at home and will be giving lots of Dojo Points as rewards for going above and beyond our expectations.
Year 5 File Share
Below you can see the folders where we share the materials you will need for your learning. Just open the folder and click the file you need to open & save.
Handwriting videos by Mrs Robinson
Tap to Contact
If you have any questions, please email us at this address😀