Year 6

With Mrs Harcombe and Miss Shaw

Year 6

Here you will find regular updates for our year group; Home Learning tasks, and any additional support materials.

Mrs Harcombe & Mr Langan

 Autumn Term 1

Important Dates For Your Diary

2nd/3rd/4th September 2024 INSET Training Day (No children in school)

Tuesday 17th September - afternoon transition visit for Y6 to Haslingden High School

Thursday 19th September - Wales Parents Meeting in the school hall 3:30pm

Friday 27th September - KS2 author visit (Onjali Q.Rauf)

Thursday 3rd October - Parents Meetings

Monday 7th October - Individual and sibling photos

Friday 11th October - KS2 Open Classroom Event:  Reading

Tuesday 15th October - KS2 Harvest Assembly

****Monday 14th October - Friday 18th October OUTWARD BOUND WEEK****

Home Learning Tasks

Home Learning will be set each week and should be submitted no more than 7 days later.  

Please keep up to date with these tasks.

You MUST read for 15 mins every day.  An adult MUST write in your Reading Record once a week. (You will be rewarded with dojo points).

You should revise your 2x,3x,4x,5x,10x and 11x tables both in terms of multiplying and dividing. (This could extend to x12,13,14,15 or x20,30,40,50).

Week 1 

Date set: 6th September 

Due: 13th September:

Your school needs you

Would you like to become your Space Race Captain or Vice Captain?

Please complete your application by Friday 13th September.

Your application can be in the form of a letter to Mr Ellis, a video, a poster, a campaign leaflet or anything else that you think will capture our attention and make you a suitable candidate for the job.

Remember to include your name, the Space Race Team that you will be representing and the attributes/qualities/skills that you have which we should take into consideration when viewing your application.

Good luck.

Week 2

Date set: 13th September 

Due: 20th September

Read the Y5/Y6 spelling words.  Highlight the words, on the sheet glued into your Home Learning book, that you already know how to spell accurately, when tested by a family member. You will be tested on 50 of these words at the end of each half term throughout the course of the school year. 

week 3

Date set: 20th September 

Due: 27th September

When asked by an adult, can you tell the time to the nearest 10 minutes, 5 minutes and 1 minute on an analogue clock?

week 4

Date set: 27th September 

Due: 4th October

Perfect 10 and Arithmetic Papers

week 5

Date set: 4th October  

Due:11th October 

We will be studying Ancient Egypt.  Please research what the Egyptians used to do for entertainment and present your findings appropriately, this could be as a Powerpoint Presentation, a video, a leaflet or a 3D model, for example.


Date set: 11th October 

Due: 1st November

How many different ways can you find of making a shadow bigger? OR

Find a neat and accurate way of recording how the length of a shadow changes across the course of a single day. 

Useful Online Maths Programs

NumberGym Maths Home School login – haslingden; Password – bb44bj; Pupils have unique student logins.

Times Tables Rock Stars ( login – choose ‘School’, then ‘Student’; find Haslingden Primary School; usernames and passwords are unique to pupil.

MyMaths - Bringing maths alive - Home School username – haslingdenpr; password – circle; portal usernames and passwords are unique to pupil

BBC KS2 Bitesize website – no login required 

Young Voices 2025

(Thursday 6th February: co op Live arena manchester)

YOUNG VOICES 2025 want to say "Hooray! It's time for your well-deserved summer break! 🌞"


Enjoy every moment of your break—we can't wait to see you back in September, refreshed and ready to dive into the YV music repertoire with your choir as we gear up for the YV 2025 concert!

Here are some useful links to access the YV Music over the summer break. Try clicking on the link below and listen to the songs for this years show.

Remote Learning: Individual Isolation 

Ongoing English and Maths Tasks for those individuals who are required to work from home for a short period of time. (Individual cases)


Using the links provided below, access BBC Bitesize to watch video clips, read information and complete short tasks linked to Reading and Writing activities.

Don't forget to regularly log on to to rehearse those tricky words. 

And ... make sure that you 'keep reading' for 15 minutes per day to build up your stamina!

The activities listed above will take a minimum of 1 hour of your day. 


In class you will have been following the White Rose Maths PowerPoints and questions.  Go to the 'File Share' section and open up 'Maths'.

Identify the next lesson in the sequence and follow the PowerPoint carefully, before attempting the questions.  Make sure you show all relevant working out in your Home Learning book.  This should take you a minimum of 45 minutes to complete.

Then, log onto TT Rock Stars and use Garage mode to show how you have been keeping up your fluency and accuracy of arithmetic skills.  If you have completed Garage (level 420) then please move onto Studio to improve your rock speed.

Remote Learning: Class Closure

Specific work may be displayed here in the event of a 'class closure'.

***Year 6 File Share*** 

Below you can see the folders where we share the materials you will need for your learning. 

 Just open the folder and click the file you need to open & save.

Tap to Contact

If you have any questions, please email us on this address 😀