Year 6
With Mrs Harcombe and Miss Shaw
Year 6
Here you will find regular updates for our year group; Home Learning tasks, and any additional support materials.
spring Term 1
Important Dates For Your Diary
**Monday morning will be our PE Day - please wear full PE kit**
*After school Maths tutoring sessions are to continue until SATs tests*
Wednesday 12th February - Year 6 Heights and Weights (an email has been
sent to parents with further information)
Friday 14th February - Y6 Assembly 2:30pm (Singing a selection of songs from our Young Voices Collection)
Assemblies will start promptly at 2.30pm and no late arrivals will be admitted. Due to
smaller staffing numbers, we are unable to escort people through the school. Please
also note that the assemblies will last between 20 and 30 minutes. There will be no
exit for people to leave early but I’m sure you’ll want to stay for the whole assembly
and not miss a second. As with the Christmas shows, there will be a no photography
policy in place.
Friday 28th February KS2 Open Classroom
Friday 28th February KS2 Author visit
Monday 3rd March Secondary School Offers made
Friday 7th March World Book Day
12th - 19th March Book Fair
31st March Easter Egg Competition
3rd April Parents Meetings Timings TBC
Home Learning Tasks
Home Learning will be set each week and should be submitted no more than 7 days later.
Please keep up to date with these tasks.
You MUST read for 15 mins every day. An adult MUST write in your Reading Record once a week. (You will be rewarded with dojo points).
You should revise all times tables both in terms of multiplying and dividing.
Week 1
Set 10 Jan
Due 17 Jan
Complete questions 22 - 36 from the arithmetic paper 1. On this occasion, seek adult support if needed. Ensure you have your test paper in school on Friday, ready to green pen the answers for use in future sessions.
Orange Jumping Words will be tested at the start of next week - in our 50 Spelling Challenge.
Week 2
Set 17 Jan
Due 24 Jan
Complete questions 22 - 36 from the arithmetic paper 2. On this occasion, try and answer as many questions as you can independently, before you seek adult support if needed.
Check you LBQ Independent Study tasks.
Week 3
Set 24 Jan
Due 31 Jan
Complete questions 22 - 36 from the arithmetic paper 3. This week, work independently on the task and then use you green pen WAGOLL to help with any trickier.
Learn the dance routine and lyrics for the Marley Medley from the YV Music Room website.
Week 4
Set 31 Jan
Due 7 Feb
Complete questions 22 - 36 from the arithmetic paper 4. You should now be confident enough to work independently on the task and gain a good score.
Check you LBQ Independent Study tasks.
Week 5
Set 7 Feb
Due 14 Feb
Study the Grammar tasks: LBQ Understanding the Active and Passive Voice.
Complete LBQ Independent Study tasks: Maths Algebra WRM Topic Review.
Lots of revision needed for our YV assembly songs: lyrics, actions and British Sign Language.
Half Term
Set 14 Feb
Due 28 Feb
Study the Grammar tasks: TBC.
Check you LBQ Independent Study tasks.
Complete questions 22 - 36 from the arithmetic paper 5. You should now be confident enough to work independently on the task and gain a good score.
Young Voices 2025
(Thursday 6th February 2025: co-op Live arena manchester)
Follow this link to allow you access to the Young Voices Music Room. Register to be linked to our school.
Useful Online Maths Programs
NumberGym Maths Home School login – haslingden; Password – bb44bj; Pupils have unique student logins.
Times Tables Rock Stars ( login – choose ‘School’, then ‘Student’; find Haslingden Primary School; usernames and passwords are unique to pupil.
MyMaths - Bringing maths alive - Home School username – haslingdenpr; password – circle; portal usernames and passwords are unique to pupil
BBC KS2 Bitesize website – no login required - individual log in details required
***Year 6 File Share***
Below you can see the folders where we share the materials you will need for your learning.
Just open the folder and click the file you need to open & save.