

Mrs Quinn (RQ) and Mrs Stansfield (RS)

Welcome to our EYFS Virtual Learning Page

On this page you will find information about school routines, support for home learning activities and our gallery...

snow Day- 6/1/25 

Math: This week we are focusing on pattern and completing repeating patterns. Use the link below to complete the pattern trains.


Complete 5 games of White Rose One Minute Math- remember to record them on your chart to earn Dojo points!

English: We have been focusing on writing our names. Can you write your name in the snow? Remember to take a picture and email it to eyfs@haslingden-pri.lancs.sch.uk so we can share them in class.

Things to remember

(Please note the HPS red PE hoody is dor PE days only)


Password on collection

We thank you for trusting us with your children and we take this responsibility very seriously  Before your child started school, we asked you to supply us with a password to ensure safe collection at the end of the school day.  If a staff member cannot remember your face, or new staff are covering teacher absences, you will be asked for the password.  This is not to challenge your authority as a parent, but to ensure that we are keeping your child safe.  Please make sure any authorised person you have trusted with collecting your child, has your child's password. We are proud of our robust safeguarding system and your child's safety is at the heart of any questions we may ask. If you cannot remember your password, please ask your child's teacher or ask the office.  

Thank you for your understanding. 

  • Meet the staff


Mrs Quinn


Mrs Derrett 

Mrs Dugdale 

Miss Pollard

Mrs Henderson 

Miss Thornton 

'Let's Get School Ready' 

Let's form numbers!

 Practise forming your numbers.

Annotated number formation rhymes.pptx

Let's form letters!

 Practise the correct way to write your letters. Use the formation phrase to help you.

RWI letter formation poems.pdf

Let's get ready to write!

Practise picking your pencil up and holding it ready to write.

Let's play maths

Use your maths skills to play these games here

Numberblocks Make and Play here

You can click on the three fun activities for each number (scroll through to get the numbers to appear using the arrow on the right). 

Let's be independent!

Be like Diamond Dan.  

I can put on my own coat. 

I can Independently undress and dress myself. 

Challenge: I can tie my own laces!!  Learn to tie your laces here.

Let's learn through songs!

Listen and join in with lots of songs on the BBC here.

EYFS File Share

Our eyfs gallery...

Home learning Gallery

We love seeing all of your home learning efforts, please email your work to...


and we will add your work to our gallery.

Tap to Contact

If you have any questions, please email us on this address:  


Please note that emails are checked weekly and within school hours.  For more urgent enquiries please email: 


Thank you